Sloka 51 and 52 and 53
vishiirNakaaryakaraNo bhuutasuukShmairanaavR^itaH .
vimuktakarmanigaDaH sadya eva vimuchyate .. 51..
pada artha:
Such a man,
Visheerna-karya-karanaha: his gross and subtle bodies dissolved
Bhoota-sookshamav anaavruthaha: freed from the subtle elements
Vimukta karma nigadhaha: and released from the chain of actions
Vimuchyate: gets liberated
Sadhyaha eva: immediately
Such a man, his gross and subtle bodies dissolved, freed from the subtle elements and released from the chain of actions, gets immediately liberated.
The Guru is next explaining that such a seeker who has lost the ego completely, who’s gross and the subtle bodies are hence dissolved, is immediately released from the chain of actions and is liberated.
The gross and the subtle bodies seem to exist only because of the ignorance and the ego. It is only the ignorance that makes one forget the true nature of the Self and seems to bind the ever blissful Self to the limited gross and the subtle bodies and this limitation is what causes all the dualities and hence miseries. When a seeker, by the grace of Guru and through constant contemplation and spiritual discipline, gains conviction about the real nature of the Self, immediately, these bodies dissolve. The bodies and the entire world itself will be realized only as an illusion in the ever present Self.
The guru here is telling that such a person devoid of any ego immediately becomes free of all the actions and their results. When there is no doer ship then there can be no actions done and hence no results of any actions can cling to such a person. It is only ignorance that leads to actions and gives the sense of doer ship. When this ignorance itself is negated by the knowledge, such a person sees oneness everywhere and to such a realized one, there is no world nor any actions nor the ego of gross and the subtle bodies that seem to do the actions. When action itself is thus not there, there can be no result also.
Hence the Guru is here saying that such a person will be free from the chain of actions and gets immediately liberated from the ignorance and hence all the miseries of the world.
Let us learn about such a realized one more in the last two slokas tomorrow.
praarabdhakarmavegena jiivanmukto yathaa bhavet.h .
kiJNchitkaalamanaarabdhakarmabandhasya saMkShaye .. 52..
nirastaatishayaanandaM vaiShNavaM paramaM padam.h .
punaraavR^ittirahitaM kaivalyaM pratipadyate .. 53..
pada artha:
samkhyate: on the destruction of
anaaradhya karma bandhasya: the bondage due to the actions that have not begun to bear fruit, a man
bhavet: remain
praarabhdha-karma-vegena: by force of those actions that have begun to bear fruit
jeevan mukthaha: liberated in life
kischit kaalam: for sometime
yadaa: when
pratipadhyate: he comes by
kaivalyam: absolute oneness,
punaha-aavritti-rahitam: from which there is no return
paramam: which is the supreme
padam: abode
vaishnavam: of Vishnu the all pervading one
nirashta atishaya aananda: and bliss beyond which there is none greater.
One the destruction of the bondage due to the actions that have not begun to produce results a man remains, by force of those actions that have begun to produce them, liberated in life for some time, when he comes by absolute oneness, the greatest and ultimate Bliss called the supreme abode of Vishnu, from which there is no return.
From the previous sloka we learnt that once the ego is completely destroyed and the ignorance negated by the knowledge from the scriptures and the teachings of the guru, one gets liberated from the cycle of actions. The guru is here explaining that such a Jeevan mukta or one liberated-in-life remains for some time in the world till all the actions that have begun to produce their results are exhausted.
The guru also is explaining that such a liberated one is always immersed in the blissful state of Absolute oneness and that there is no returning to the ignorance once this blissful nature of Self is realized. The Bliss is described here as the greatest and ultimate one as there is infinite, immeasurable and never ending. Hence it is Bliss and verily Bliss for one who has realized Self as verily the indivisible, nondual, Existence-consciousness- Bliss.
Here ends the ‘Vakya Vritti’ by Acharya Sri Sankara.
May the Grace of guru always lead us to that ultimate bliss which is the very nature of Self.
Hari OM.
With regards,
Mallika R
What you have is God's gift to you and what you do with what you have is your gift to God